No amount of nice clothes, shoes and makeup can substitute for beautiful glowing skin.I can never seem to stress this enough to my friends and family. Nutrition plays a big role in beauty and skincare, before we go buying the most expensive creams and lotions in the market to achieve beautiful skin, we should look at what we eat first,for it s being said, beauty is inside out, So True.. So for beautiful clear and healthy skin, I consume lots of fruits and veggies ,I find them easier to consume by blending them together to form a smoothie. Loaded with fibre, antioxidants ,proteins ,Irons,Vitamins C and D, my smoothie recipes are ever changing and my intake for vital nutrients are guaranteed daily. So I start my mornings with smoothies and the health of my skin and my health in general has improved tremendously. More recipes to come; Enjoy

Smoothie Recipe
1 Avocado
1 green apple
Kale leaves
Frozen Spinach
Frozen Pineapple
Blue Berries
1 banana
Chai seeds
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