

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great.. Guess who’s been under the radar lately?  yeah you guessed right, Me. The last month has been a rollercoaster. From trying to fit in student life into my routine and feeling completely burnt out, blogging was the last thing on my mind.  When times like these come around, I have learned to let go and not push myself. Blogging and creativity has always been a healthy outlet for me and I hope to do this for as long as I can. But like everything thing else in life, sometimes you just feel overwhelmed. The rush that normally comes with something you love suddenly isn’t there anymore.  Well; that is where I let go, take out time for myself, engage more with friends and family, clean out my closet and just let my hair down. Days turned into weeks and suddenly I find myself picking up my camera and wanting to create beautiful things again .  And if you were wondering; Yes I’m back and expect to see beautiful things out here, Im not just strutting myself in front of the lens these days, Im also working behind the lens in my free time and Im loving every bit of it. Creativity comes with love and passion, sometimes we find beauty all around us and other times, we have to look a lil harder.

Where ever you find yourself, being burnt out sometimes doesn’t equate weakness or lack of passion. When that happens, take a lil time out, relax and come back with a bang. Life they say is what you make of it, and A life without passion is not worth living. Find what you and passionate about and Keep living.


Have a happy new week everyone


love x light

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