Beauty Skincare

New In. Kiehl´s Powerful Strength Line Reducing Concentrate.


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The only two things I am loyal to every morning happens to be my cup of coffee and a good vitamin C serum to get my day started . Great skin is important to me, so adding a good vitamin C serum to my routine is a must. I recently gave the Kiehl´s Powerful-strength line reducing Concentrate a try and I am loyal already. This move was a difficult one since I  try to stay completely faithful to a tried and trusted product; Remember my review on Ole Henriksen truth Serum? If not check it Here.  Well; I am loving this serum so far and will be giving an in-depth review on the product soon.

As it is now, its been a month already and I fall in love with this product everyday. How is it different from the Ole Henriksen number? well for starters, this is a lil pricier and the consistency is thicker. So ladies stay tune for reviews on effectiveness and more. If you have used this particular serum and want to share your experience with us, please leave a comment.. Thank you.


Love x Light

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  • Reply
    January 19, 2017 at 12:45 am

    Hi Miss B,

    Whats your review on Ole Henriksen Vit C serum after using it for that period ?

    • Reply
      January 19, 2017 at 5:45 pm

      Hello Adety, my take on Ole Henriksen Vit C serum is, its is a great product, glides on perfectly and you almost start seeing results immediately.

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