I love the color green, it is one of my favorites after yellow… I love how it calms and gives me an extra boost in confidence every time I wear something green.. This Asos number was no different, it is the right shade of green,has lace and tulle,plus it didn’t hurt that it came in a midi length… a winner in my books. Had this for like ever and for some weird reason, I have worn it only once or…
Inspirational Post; Is Provocation a Reason for Physical Abuse
Posted on July 28, 2014Physical and emotional abuse are the most common forms of abuse among couples today, though many people live with either one or both forms of abuse , they re often too ashamed or too afraid to talk about it. In some parts of the world, Africa for example where many abusers are not punished by the law in any way, physical abuse has been on a constant rise lately and women are almost always the victims. It is heartbreaking to…
Californian summer is definitely the hottest I have ever experienced so far, wow.. 32 degrees and up to 38 somedays, I say this is too much heat for a scandinavian girl like myself. Oh… how I look forward to the fall and winter season here, I can’t stand this heat anymore. Every thing I wear these days is light and flowy like this dress I got from Forever 21 a few weeks back. While I look for better ways to…
Birkenstock are so popular now, funny thing is I remember owning a pair as a kid,the ever comfortable and dependable birkenstocks… and nowadays , these super stylish ladies are bringing it right back to the fashion scene. They re probably the summers most stylish laid back sandals.Im still on the fence on this one… Would you rock them??? xoxoxo harrie…
Hey Ladies, it s swimwear season and Missguided is having a huge Sale… Upto 50% Off Swimwear. Get an Extra 10% Off Sale with code SALE10 at checkout. Check out these here on http://www.missguidedus.com xoxoxo …
My love for good food means I’m always on the lookout for the next best restaurant or diner in my city. Thats exactly how I love spending my weekends and being new in Cali, its even more exciting never knowing what you get. While I tend to prefer small diners to large chain restaurants, I decided to try BJ´s this weekend. The outlay and decor was ok, so was the beer (hubby said so) but I was a lil disappointed…
Happy weekend everyone,… and sorry for the lack of outfit post this past week. Had some family emergencies that needed my attention plus looking for a blog photographer wasn’t an easy task, thank heavens I found one and everything is back to normal. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and check back soon for more exciting stuff coming up on the blog. We re still taking in photos to be featured on the blog, so don’t hesitate to send them…
Or I had the most interesting conversation about shoes with my ever fashionable bestie the other day and it got me thinking, I do not own a single platform heel in my closet, I really don’t know why,can’t say I hate them,but I never really liked them either. My bestie on the other hand can’t get enough of the platform heel trend, every single shoe in her closet is a platform,why she raves about how comfortable and how easy they…
Oh! how I love african weddings.. from the colorful eso-ebi glam , the happy faces, the music and all that swag, permit me say there s no party like an African (party) wedding lol .. Now Ken and Barbie ´s Nigerian wedding is putting a huge smile on my face, call me biased,but these are the kind of dolls little girls should play with these days..that s my #opinion.. xoxoxo harrie…
Happy new week guys, hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was awesome, the July 4th celebrations here in California Amazing, didn’t get to watch the parade though, the weather was terribly warm,so there was no way I could get under that sun without passing out. I stayed home with family and friends,grilled ,chatted and waited till the sun came down and it was time for the amazing fireworks. While we partied the day away…I stole sometime off to…